Birthday Parties
Birthday Party Pricing: $400.00 for 1.5 hours and up to 16 children (including the birthday child). Each additional child is $20.00 and max size of 20 children. Our Parties are held on Sundays for children turning 4 and older!
Birthday Party Includes:
1 Hour in the gym
30 minutes in our mezzanine party space
T-shirt for the birthday child
Well-trained gymnastics instructors
Personalized obstacle courses and games (based on age)
Items to remember for your party:
Table cloth, plates, napkins and utensils
Food (snacks, pizza, cake, ice cream, water, juices, etc.)
A knife to cut the cake
Candles and matches/lighter to light the candles
Items that are not allowed: Pinata, confetti, glitter, silly string, and no decorations should be placed on the walls.
To inquire about a date, or to book a birthday party with us, please call the office at 508-650-1662 or email us at
We can’t wait to celebrate with you!